Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 7 (Web Browser Tutorial)

In this tutorial I learned how to build a web browser application using UIWebView. This is a very detailed tutorial and is completed very well. It includes every step that needs to happen to get to the final product. I am encourage to see how easily a UIWebView based program can be implemented as I believe that building a web based application that can be configured not only for the iPhone, but other phones as well is saving time and would be more profitable.

This tutorial also gives you the change to be very creative with your browser application and change button style, activity indicator styles, and just overall view look and feel. This tutorial is also important because it shows how to implement back and forward buttons for controlling the web view as well as configuring UITextField to show and update text live within the application as you move to different web sites.

The only thing I do believe is missing in this tutorial is for the text field to have the ability to go a web site that is typed in. If you would like to complete this tutorial yourself just Click Here!

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