Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 5 (Simple RSS Feed Tutorial)

This is probably one of my favorite tutorials so far because it allows quit a range of content with just a few changes. This tutorial allows learning to understand parsers and RSS feeds more while continuing to learn xcode, objective C, and how to work between Interface Builder and xcode. This tutorial is fantastic for those who are both in the internet and iphone development business because you can build your internet site and feed it directly to the phone through your app. That means double coverage.

This tutorial is in a lot more detail in complete steps then others I have completed. I give props to the writter that he did a very good job writing this tutorial. The only thing I wish he did a little better is explain a little bit more about the specific code we used, however I don't believe that the code is too difficult to learn and connect their purpose within the application.

I am currently learning how to write tutorials right now, and I believe this is a great example for anyone who is looking to put together a tutorial of their own. It doesn't assume too much, however it isn't completed for those who don't even know how to turn on their computer. That's a good balance. If you'd like to check this tutorial out just click here!

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