Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 4 (Tab Bar Tutorial)

I am fortunate to have such a wide range of tutorials on the internet for me to explore. In this tutorial, I learned about putting together an window based application with a tab bar that controls the different views. Also, It shows you how to connect a UITextField. When you input information within the text field and press enter, it displays what you entered through the text field in a UILabel. This is a great tutorial that helps you understand UILabels and UItextFields in more depth and how to connect and use them through Interface Builder.

Again though, I would recommend downloading the source file as not every step is documented. To achieve the end result, you need to see what steps they missing and how to implement them. I find that once you have a better grasp of the interface builder and the code, that these tutorials get easier as you start to know what steps have been missed and you can invent the missing steps to achieve your goal.

I would recommend focusing more on the tab bar controller in this tutorial, as that is what is focused in the steps. The writer does do a great job in explaining the steps to create a tab bar controller that controls two different views. If you would like to complete this tutorial yourself, you visit the web site here!

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