Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 8 (Web app creation with dashcode)

This is probably my most exciting blog yet! Moving to web apps makes iPhone app development much easier and faster, as well as opens a whole new library of references, ideas, and options for creating apps. Using Dashcode is very organized, and with the library and inspector it's like being able to completely control the creation of your iPhone app through interface builder. Now of course xcode will still need to be used if you want to use the accelerometer as well as release actually apps to the appstore, but the process to achieve your app purpose and goal is much easier in comparison to objective-C.

This tutorial shows you how to create a working browser app that allows table scrolling, selection, dynamic listings and reveals the ability to search your listing name on google with the push of a button. To add new levels to the stackLayout is very easy in Dashcode as well. This tutorial doesn't go in to that, however there are quite a few references for Dashcode when googled. I would recommend this tutorial to anyone who is involved in iPhone development because it will open your eyes to a whole new world within the design, development, and deployment of iPhone applications.

If you would like to complete this tutorial just Click Here!


Unknown said...

Unfortunately the link doesn't work...

brill301 said...

Here is the real link

Julia said...

That link doesn't work either.