Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 9 (Loading and Saving Images to sqlite database)

This is probably my favorite tutorial so far. This tutorial teaches you how to setup your database and application to have the ability to add and save pictures to any specific database entry just like the iPhone address book does. This is an exciting tutorial because this is something I've want to incorporate into my apps for a while, but haven't really seen a whole lot about it until this tutorial. This a very detailed tutorial that seems to cover all of the steps to achieve your goal. I would always recommend that you also download the source code as it is available. I would also recommend his previous tutorials about sqlite database apps because he starts from the beginning and then adds more possible features along the way.

This tutorial was just released yesterday so I hope that if you find this blog in your search that this information will help. I have nothing to criticize about this tutorial as it is very well written, organized and seems to have all of the step included within it's explanation of how to get from point a to point b. If you want or need to complete this tutorial just Click Here!