Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 2 (part 2 & part 3) Multi Touch Tutorial

In completing the second and third application tutorial I have realized that these tutorials are incomplete and the second and third parts of the tutorial don't even have the correct source code linked so there's no way to check and compare what you've built using his instructions to what he calls the finished application. I will say it gave me a little better understanding about "touchesbegan" and "touchesended" events, however not enough that I could just start writing up the code and know exactly how to accomplish what I want. After everything is said and done with this tutorial I will say that I would recommend it for certain learning aspects of the interface builder and it's connection with xcode in part one of the tutorial. But I would just try to accomplish part one and not even bother attempting parts 2 through 4.

Again if you would like to check this tutorial out it's called "Multi Touch Tutorial" and you can get there from Here

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